
For years, audiophiles have faced a difficult choice between the grain-free, musical attributes of true film/foil capacitors, vs. the smaller size and relative cost effectiveness of metallized film designs.

In 2005 VH Audio took that challenge head on, launching the V-Cap OIMP series: with the ground breaking Oil Impregnated Metallized Polypropylene film capacitor series we proudly refer to as “one of the most transparent and musical oil capacitors ever made.”

Offering transparency, reliability and unprecedented low noise; the OIMP found immediate, enthusiastic market acceptance. Building on his experience, VH Audio founder Chris VenHaus has leveraged more than ten years of innovation in manufacturing, material sciences and metallurgy to again advance the state of the art in cap design and manufacturing.

The new V-Cap ODAM series sets a new standard for transparency, musicality and reliability in a compact form factor.

Raves and reviews

“Very transparent and musical overall. Seamless transition tonally. Female vocals were just magical…”

“Musical textures and colors are abundant. A beautiful way of getting out of the music’s path.
Magical, forgiving… Bloom, without the loss of detail. Seductive in many ways.”


VH Audio original prices.


  • 15% discount is already applied on quantities starting from two pieces onwards.
  • Shipping is roughly 8 working days from date of purchase.
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