Black Pyramids Feet

Anti Vibration Cones


Unlike to other types of anti-resonance feet, most which uses ball bearings, our PTFE “Teflon composite” cones do not need to transfer energy via one or more ball bearings, instead our PTFE material converts vibration into heat which then dissipates without having to take on the nature of the platform from which it is standing on.

  • Reduces chassis ringing thus improving tone and enhancing musical cues
  • Transfers vibration & resonance into heat
  • Self-cancelling noise
  • Made in South Africa

Sonic results:

What you will initially perceive is a warmer richer tonality, the top-end will appear relaxed and seamlessly integrated into the mids and the lows, much in the same fashion as a single coherent driver-based speaker. Blacks become blacker due to the quieter resonance-free improvements and music seem to appear in an effortless fashion from a pitch black background giving the impression of a more 3D or tactile image. Also the sound is now more grounded, denser and solid, not feathery and light.
We recommend playing with feet placement to achieve desired results, for instance one facing up and two facing down, moving them closer or further apart from each-other.

Our Black Pyramid cones should be treated as components and nothing less, this means that as soon as it is introduced into a system, because the cones will shift the pitch into a different range of the sonic spectrum, the system might require mild adjustments, much like introducing a different component (such as a new pair of interconnects), we therefore encourage experimenting in order to achieve your goals.

What you will get out from our Black Pyramid cones… 

  1. Image density
  2. Bass solidity
  3. Lack of glare
  4. Voices sound organic
  5. No more slurring or blurring of notes
  6. Tonality is now richer
  7. The top-end is truly analog and rich with cymbals you can touch and feel


Dimensions: 40mm x 30mm each.
Sold in batches of 3 cones.

Price: $290 (set of three cones)

* Price subject to change without notice.

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Audio Tweak
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 1 reviews
 by Rendon
The Teflon feet... I love them!

After putting them in my system with no obligation to purchase, I couldn’t go back to what I had before. I had just crossed a point of no return. They had done exactly what they were supposed to do – and more. They have cleaned up the sound stage; bass is tighter and better defined, tones are richer, backgrounds are blacker. Voices sound more natural and organic. Articulation and focus is off the chart. Everything has changed for the better. My system has retained all the virtues it had before, and not a single one of those virtues have been compromised. In the quest for “better”, it is very easy to lose one virtue in favour of another. Everything is better, period. The feet haven’t added anything to my system. They have only taken away what shouldn’t be there. This is a great product and a worthy investment. I love them.



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