Ribbon Speakers (Full Range)

Ribbon Speakers (Full Range) are the ultimate in transparency, air, sense of space and transient response, they’re often confused with electrostatic speakers but they don’t depend on the mains to be driven, a powerful amplifier is best required to drive them adequately particularly in large rooms. See our hybrid amplifiers, the Sanders amp or Wells amp for the correct match. Feel free to ask for recommendations.

ANALYSIS-Omicron Planar-Ribbon Speakers

Analysis Audio SpeakersOmicron Speakers

Full range entry-level ribbon planar speakers

The Omicron are the cadet of Analysis planar loudspeakers and are suitable for smaller spaces.


Analysis Audio SpeakersEpsilon Speakers

Full range entry-level ribbon planar speakers

… “Folks in the market for MartinLogans, Magnepans, InnerSounds and Soundlabs would do themselves a disservice to not also consider Analysis Audio”…”  6moons review


Analysis Audio SpeakersOmega Speakers

Full range entry-level ribbon planar speakers

The Omega full range planars are one of the most musical loudspeakers ever conceived. And this, regardless of price… They compliment, without compromise, any well-fitted listening room.
