Power Amplifiers
Linear Tube AudioZOTL 40 Reference Integrated Amplifier
Transformerless ZOTL stereo tube amplifier
“The ZOTL40 Reference manages to tip-toe the line between a classic tube sound, and a modern, solid-state A/B amplifier; and does so while being dead silent. Yep, you read that correctly. Silent.” — Positive Feedback
DetailsWells Audio AmplifiersInnamorata Power Amplifier
Solid State Class A/B stereo power amplifier
…“It is so rich, so beautiful sounding, so well balanced, so engaging that I think one would have to be running truly awful equipment for it not to sound super in their rig”… — Doug Shroeder, Dagogo review of the Wells Audio, Innamorata, Class AB Power Amplifier
DetailsSanders AmplifiersMagtech Amplifier
Solid State Class A/B stereo power amplifier
… “Big, solid, real drums with visceral whacks you feel as the stick strikes the skin… the Magtech shone more light on the backing singers which appeared (comparatively) as dull and less defined with both the Bel Canto and Gryphon amplifiers”…. AudioEnz